miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012

Oferta de empleo para Technical Assistance for the establishment of the Regional Heritage Centre in Senjski Rudnik old mine

Buenos días a todos,
Este blog no es un portal de empleo pero he creído de interés para todos los interesados en el patrimonio industrial y que además estén buscando empleo esta oferta de empleo en Serbia que vi en el grupo “Industrial Heritage-Patrimoine Industriel/Europe” de Linkedin (una red social que me parece muy útil para tratar con gente con intereses comunes) y de la cual pedí información.

La oferta se denomina Technical Assistance for the establishment of the Regional Heritage Centre in Senjski Rudnik old mine
Os transcribo la información que fue tan amable de enviarme Stevan Pechitch (la pongo en inglés tal y como la recibí).

Our company has been short listed on this European Commission funded project in Serbia. We have for this purpose established a consortium together with the Nord-Pas de Calais Coalfield Land-planning and Development Agency who has a long standing experience in this field in the Northern part of France.
I attach the terms of reference of this project for which we are currently looking for a Team Leader to be present in Serbia for 180 days over the 18 months project duration. The profile would need to be according to the following:

The Team Leader will be responsible for overall project coordination and quality control of project implementation, working closely with the other key-experts and non-key experts, bringing together international and national expertise with specific sector expertise and knowledge of the situation. More specifically, the Team Leader will personally coordinate all activities related to Result 2 and 3 and preparation of a Framework Agreement by all stakeholders.
-       University degree in relevant field (engineering, architecture, tourism, environment, etc.);
-      Be proficient in English.
 General professional experience:
-      8 years, but preferably  12 years of post graduate relevant professional experience;
Specific professional experience:
-       5 years, but preferably 10 years in the management and coordination of strategic planning processes carried out in the field of local development , including the elaboration of strategic planning documents and related tools for planning;
-       1 project, but preferably 3 projects carried out within the framework of preservation of cultural heritage and/or industrial site requalification;
If this is indeed of interest to you, could you please send us your updated CV - stevan@alternative-consulting.com - (and copy to my colleague Radmila Stanisavljevic <radmila@alternative-consulting.com>

Creo que puede ser una oportunidad laboral y experiencia muy interesante.
Además me enviaron un dossier en Word (en inglés), si alguien estuviera interesado se lo puedo reenviar para más información. Enviarme un correo

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